CompTIA Certification – A Best Technical Approach

What is CompTIA? CompTIA is an industrial association that offers courses related to computer technology. It was initially developed by ABCD dealers in 1982. These dealers were the representatives of five different Microsystems organizations. ABCD dealers had laid a platform and foundation across USA that helps and assist the students to get any certification which is related to computer technology. The certificates which CompTIA offers are related to networks, security of the networks, server courses, different language courses and Operating system courses related to Linux and some language courses like dot net etc.

Let us talk about different courses which are offered by CompTIA. A+ certification is offered to computer analyst or technical person who can do technical tasks related to computer technology. The objective of A+ course consists of two main modules exam, one module exam is related to hardware and the other one to OS specifically …

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Benefits of Interactive Voice Response System

You must have come across the automated calls of people trying to market their products. In the conventional times, the trend of telemarketing indulged a person who used to dial the number and call you personally. However, the new and much improved interactive voice response system is more efficient and within few seconds the pre-recorded marketing pitch is sent to numerous numbers with the usage of robust network system. IVRS also known as Interactive Voice Response System, has contributed significantly in the field of advertisement and marketing.

In fact, the IVRS technology has transcended to several domains like healthcare, banking, education, real estate, and politics. IVRS solves the problem of telemarketing resourcing cost. For example, in the earlier times a caller used to call prospective client(s) manually and considering that one call took 5 minutes then the resource could inform barely 100 clients a day. However, the data …

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