Using Silk For Biological Electronic Medical Implants

Using Silk For Biological Electronic Medical Implants

The problem with many of the current wave of electronic medical implants is that they are made out of synthetic materials that the body has to adapt to. The adaption can go awry sometimes and people find that their body actually rejects the implant and this can lead to a massive array of health issues. The other problem is that the implant will need to be fished out once it has outlived its use. This may require the specific skills of a surgeon (expensive and time consuming). Silk is an excellent and natural material to form the basis of an electronic medical implant because it breaks down over time and does not need to be removed manually – just like stitching that is made out of cat gut that dissolves over time (generally used for internal stitches).

Because silk is a natural material it can sit above biological tissue and …

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The Television As a Social Media Centre

The Television As a Social Media Centre

For many of us who use both the computer and television as a means to unwind after a busy day, sometimes it is hard decide whether or not to surf the web and chat with friends or just sit in front of the television for some personal time. The advent of social television is offering to bring these together – making our televisions another tool with which to remain connected to our social networks that reside online.

This development comes into play because television as a form of entertainment is rapidly becoming a secondary device to computers and the internet. Live television (such as sport) still commands a great viewership; however, many people are watching these events while using their phone or laptop to communicate with friends as the action unfolds in their living room.

Television is set to star in a revival of sorts; this is directly attributed to …

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