SD-WAN Technology for Work from Home

SD-WAN Technology for Work from Home

At a time of the Covid-19 pandemic like now, the Internet is needed by many people. Whether school children, office people, or society, in general, all need the internet to stay productive. Starting from there, the business opportunity as an internet connection provider during Work From Home is very promising.

Since the Coronavirus (Covid-19) spreads rapidly in Indonesia, most companies, both factories, and offices apply for work from home or what is often called Work From Home. In addition to companies and factories in the education sector, learning from home is also implemented to reduce/prevent the transmission of this virus.

The more people who do Work From Home, it means that the need for an internet connection increases. Why?

Because what we usually work in the office, we must have provided an internet connection from the company/office, at this time we have to work independently. But much is still covered …

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3D Printing and the Coming Rise of Lo-Fi Things

3D Printing and the Coming Rise of Lo-Fi Things

With the advent of the industrial revolution, the quality of just about everything had been on the rise. Printing went from black and white movable type to high tech digital color. The audio went from recording on wax cylinders to hi-fi stereophonic sound, radio went from mono AM to hi-fi stereo FM, the film went from silent films to Technicolor and surround sound, and black and white broadcast TV gave way to color and then cable TV and then satellite TV. And manufacturing costs went down while quality went up on just about everything. But the computer revolution, albeit a boon for mankind, has brought with it an ironic *reduction* in the quality of media. And very soon a similar reduction in quality is about to befall everyday things.

The fall and rise of media quality

Ironically, the past half-century brought with it a drop in the quality of audio, …

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Communication Technology - Can We Get Any More Connected?

Communication Technology – Can We Get Any More Connected?

Unless you’ve severed yourself totally from civilization, you will notice that our world is very connected. The highways of information that span the entire globe make this place ever so much smaller. While it is not by any measure a perfect network (many inhabited areas still have spotty or nonexistent connectivity to the internet), we are headed in that direction.

Innovations in telecommunications technology have by no means slowed down, either. We are still finding even more ways to remotely interact with one another, sometimes at the cost of actual face-to-face communications. To some, this might be a hint to refocus our energies on other areas of human knowledge and technology that still need improvement. With all the applications, programs, websites, and gadgets that enable them, are we thrusting our online presence too closely towards each other?

I think the technology still has a ways to go, and what we …

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