Resume Strategies For the IT Practitioner

Techno-speak began with one word: computer. Now it is a language unto its own, with multiple operating systems, countless software and databases, web environments and programming languages. And new acronyms spring up daily it seems (CAD, CICS, DB2, LAN, MSCE, SQL), adding to the growing techno-speak dictionary. What is the best resume strategy for the I.T. practitioner to employ? Will Human Resources “get it” if the resume reads like a mini techno-speak dictionary?

Speak the Language

Of course you need to include techno-speak to sufficiently establish your I.T. credentials. Achieve this by creating a Technical Skills summary on the first page, or creating an addendum of technical skills if you have accumulated a vast amount of expertise. Alternatively, write a bullet or two under each position that list the technical skills you used to design, solve, test or implement. But, and this is crucial, your resume cannot consist …

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Smartphone and Mobile Security – How Wise Is Your Smartphone?

Smartphone and Mobile Security – How Wise Is Your Smartphone?

The smartphone continues to revolutionize the enterprise planet as new and innovative phones flood the marketplace and slick apps make it less complicated to accomplish company around the clock, from anyplace. From a profitability and productivity standpoint, the business enterprise enhancing affects are unquestionable.

But with this fast progression in smartphone technology come new safety challenges that not simply CIOs and IT employees need to have to consider, but additionally tiny business owners and managers. Smartphones is often open portals to sensitive personal information as well as your corporate network to which they hyperlink, generating it absolutely crucial to understand the security risks and tips on how to keep the integrity of one’s data.

Peter DiCostanzo, a preeminent mobile telephone and iPhone consultant, adds that “Like laptops, smartphones are an extension of your corporation’s network not only containing sensitive or confidential information, but by way of VPN capabilities it might …

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